This is a tool holding a FAT perch just over the pound mark.

Yet another FAT(ter) perch, my first from the loch on my third cast.
Perch love pink clousers.
The biggest perch I've ever caught at 1 3/4lbs, mega strong fish.
Perch like to feed at night too.
Perch STILL love pink clousers.
I can't quite understand why hardly anybody fishes for perch here in scotland, they are extremely common, strikingly handsome, easy to catch and fight like stink on light tackle, refusing to move from the bottom and constantly headshaking making for a characteristic "jaggy" fight, for me its a no-brainer.
On all perch waters it pays to fish tight to any features there are, this particular loch has an inflow which appears to be a perch magnet, the steep marginal shelf in some places is also a natural holding spot for these tough little buggers. I use a #3 or a #6 rod to tackle them, the heavier rod allows you to cast the heavy flies further easier but obviously dulls the fight somewhat, if there was ever such thing as a four and a half weight it would be ideal!
The loch in question also holds a shedload of good trout that seem to average just under the pound, but thats another story entirely.